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BeitragVerfasst: Mo. 20.10.2003, 18:13
von She
Songtext... von mir *grins*

Bleeding soul

She's herself her biggest enemy
her body's her mind's slave and adversory
her mind lets her body punishes itself with deep cuttings in its flesh
her body has to suffer for what she didn't do rightly
her body has to suffer for what others let her mind bear for
her mind gets satisfied by the pain she feels outside
the pain she feels outside makes she forgetting the pain she feels inside

Chorus: Her soul's bleeding and therefor she lets her body bleed
Her soul's bleeding so she needs to let her body bleed

Her mind doesn't need attention for physical wounds
her mind needs attention for their psychological grounds
her body expresses how she feels
scratched and bleedeing, let down and misleading
scarredand carved, sad and embarrassed

Chorus: Her body's bleeding because her soul bleeds, too
Her body's bleeding but her soul bleeds MORE

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