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BeitragVerfasst: Sa. 01.09.2007, 07:03
von Belial
kein grund dich zu entschuldigen, habs auch nicht boese verstanden^^ :kiss:

BeitragVerfasst: Do. 13.09.2007, 18:26
von Belial
i feel so weak
so alone
on my own out here
in this pretending world

don't you see the truth,
the eternal darkness
behind the colors in my eyes

don't you hear me cry
scream out, raving in agony
behind my laughing pretends

see the blood on my teeth
more than just a smile
behind my so called happyness

i wish to cry
i wish to scream
i wish to get rid of all those thougts

i wish for someone to listen to me
anywone who cares about me
no matter who. just care.

but i don't believe
in all those nice, silent words
behind them is the cruelty

the cruelty whose fault it is
that I am the way i am
without the slightest chance
to live

BeitragVerfasst: Fr. 14.09.2007, 16:04
von Belial

streaming down
pale skin


rushing trough veins
on its way out


stuck in my heart
never let go


finally back, don't you
ever leave me!

BeitragVerfasst: Fr. 14.09.2007, 16:10
von Belial
it hurts
to see you break

break in front of my stunned arms
reaching out to prevent you from falling

but I can't
I can't reach you

the only thing that I can do
is scratch your skin with my bloody nails

don't give up
you have to go on

'cause i can't do it anymore
neither for me nor for anyone else

BeitragVerfasst: Fr. 14.09.2007, 16:35
von Belial
someday, there's a point
where nothing makes sense
any longer.
when you don't feel anything
put the pain, the tears caught
inside you.
and the emptyness, after
everything else has passed

this is the point, where you
have to prove something
to yourself.
prove yourself, that no one
who ever put his faith on you
was wrong.
there's more than a first thougth
more than the numbness inside
your heart.
take your time,
to what it takes you
and then stand up straight
hold your head up and say
"i'm alive"