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Für eine Person die mir sehr wichtig ist

BeitragVerfasst: Sa. 08.07.2006, 22:00
von do-not-touch
The Star In The Sky

When you look at the sky
You see a star
There are no clouds
So you can see his smile on his face
He smiles at you
He greets you
And he loves you
It’s not a star like all the others there
It’s a special one

This star is a friend far away
A friend who cares and looks for you
Who will be there for you
Who laughs and cries with you
Who knows when you’re sad
And comes at every time
Everywhere you are
And in every situation
If you need help
Just call him
He will be there

You’re a beautiful person
In you’re character
In you’re smile
In you’re way you look
But mostly in the way who you are

This star is there forever
He never goes away
Just, if you want him to go
He’s like a friend
A real friend
I’m like this star
I will be there for you
If you want it.

Sometimes there are clouds and you can’t see him
Call him and he will come

Sometimes you’re mad with him
But he never leaves you alone

Sometimes you want him to go
He will go but he always comes back
If you want it

BeitragVerfasst: So. 09.07.2006, 00:21
von Amon
Ja so bin ich 8)

:lol: manchmal bin ich so, ich bin wohl altruistisch..deshalb finde ich mich da wieder in dem Text. Bin auch für jemanden da. Bin lieb und nett.

Schöner Text! Berührt mich!

BeitragVerfasst: So. 09.07.2006, 14:33
von do-not-touch
danke :oops:

BeitragVerfasst: So. 09.07.2006, 14:37
von Amon
Kannst ja gerne weiter solche Texte schreiben. Sehr schön!!! Eine Bereicherung. So einen Text wünscht man sich immer!
